5.3 Examples of Urinary Terms Easily Defined By Their Word Components
Here are examples of urinary medical terms that can be easily defined by breaking them into word components.
- Break down the medical term into word components: Cyst/o/scopy
- Label the word parts: Cyst = WR; o = CV; scopy = S
- Define the word components: Cyst = bladder; scopy = visual examination
- Create a final definition of the medical term: Visual examination of the bladder
- Break down the medical term into word components: Dys/ur/ia
- Label the word components: Dys = P; ur = WR; ia = S
- Define the word components: Dys = painful or difficult; ur = urine; ia = condition of
- Create a final definition of the medical term: Condition of difficult or painful urination
- Break down the medical term into word components: Nephr/itis
- Label the word components: Nephr = WR; itis = S
- Define the word components: Nephr = kidney; itis = inflammation
- Create a final definition of the medical term: Inflammation of the kidney
Interactive Learning Activity: Practice defining and pronouncing additional urinary system medical terms by breaking them down into word parts.
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