
17.3 Examples of Endocrine Terms Easily Defined By Their Word Components

Here are examples of common medical terms related to the endocrine system that can be easily defined by breaking the terms into their word components.


  1. Break down the medical term into word components: Hyper/glyc/emia
  2. Label the word components: Hyper = P; glyc = WR; emia = S
  3. Define the word components: Hyper = excessive; glyc = sugar; emia = in the blood
  4. Create a final definition of the medical term: Excessive sugar in the blood


  1. Break down the medical term into word components: Poly/dips/ia
  2. Label the word components: Poly = P; dips = WR; ia = S
  3. Define the word components: Poly = much; dips = thirst; ia = condition of
  4. Create a final definition of the medical term: Condition of much thirst


  1. Break down the medical term into word components: Adrenal/ectomy
  2. Label the word components: Adrenal = WR; ectomy = S
  3. Define the word components: Adrenal = adrenal gland; ectomy = removal
  4. Create a final definition of the medical term: Excision of the adrenal gland(s)

Decorative icon for worksheet linkInteractive Learning Activity: Practice defining and pronouncing endocrine system medical terms by breaking them down into word parts.

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