VII Glossary

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Cataracts: Opacity of the lens of the eye that causes clouded, blurred, or dim vision. Cataracts can be removed with surgery that replaces the lens with an artificial lens. (Chapter 7.2)

Diabetic retinopathy: A complication of diabetes mellitus due to damaged blood vessels in the retina. If found early, treatments, such as laser treatment that can help shrink blood vessels, injections that can reduce swelling, or surgery, can prevent permanent vision loss. (Chapter 7.2)

Glaucoma: Gradual loss of peripheral vision caused by elevated intraocular pressure that leads to progressive damage to the optic nerve. (Chapter 7.2)

Kinesthetic impairment: An altered sense of touch that can cause difficulty in performing fine motor tasks. (Chapter 7.2)

Macular degeneration: Loss of central vision with symptoms such as blurred central vision, distorted vision that causes difficulty driving and reading, and the requirement for brighter lights and magnification for close-up visual activities. (Chapter 7.2)

Perception: The interpretation of sensation during the sensory process. (Chapter 7.2)

Presbycusis: Age-related hearing loss. (Chapter 7.2)

Presbyopia: The impairment of near vision and accommodation as the lens of the eye gradually becomes thicker and loses flexibility as a person ages. (Chapter 7.2)

Proprioception: The sense of the position of our bones, joints, and muscles. (Chapter 7.2)

Reaction: The response that individuals have to a perception of a received stimulus. (Chapter 7.2)

Reception: The initial part of the sensory process when a nerve cell or sensory receptor is stimulated by a sensation. (Chapter 7.2)

Sensory deprivation: A condition that occurs when there is a lack of sensations due to sensory impairments or when the environment has few quality stimuli. (Chapter 7.2)

Sensory impairment: Any type of difficulty that an individual has with one of their five senses or sensory function. (Chapter 7.2)

Sensory overload: A condition that occurs when an individual receives too many stimuli or cannot selectively filter meaningful stimuli. (Chapter 7.2)

Somatosensation: Sensory receptors that respond to specific stimuli such as pain, pressure, temperature, and vibration; includes vestibular sensation and proprioception. (Chapter 7.2)

Tinnitus: Hearing ringing in the ears. (Chapter 7.2)

Vestibular sensation: A sense of spatial orientation and balance. (Chapter 7.2)


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