
17.1 Grief and Loss Introduction

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Learning Objectives

  • Identify anticipated responses to grief and loss across the life span
  • Identify grief and loss resources
  • Identify ethical/legal considerations related to end-of-life decisions
  • Identify the nursing responsibilities associated with end-of-life and postmortem care
  • Contribute to a plan of care to support client (individual, family, or group) through grief and loss
  • Demonstrate respect for the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the client and family members experiencing grief and loss

Have you ever experienced the loss of something important to you like a job, a relationship with a friend or significant other, or a pet? We all experience loss and grief at some point in our lives, with the ultimate loss being death. Nurses are typically the first line of support as they assist clients and their family members to cope with serious illness, feelings of loss, and the end of life.

This chapter is based on a curriculum established by the  End-of-Life Nursing Care Consortium (ELNEC), an international educational project sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The ELNEC project gives nurses and other health care professionals the knowledge and skills required to provide specialized care and positively impact the lives of clients and families facing serious illness and/or the end of life.[1] This chapter will discuss concepts related to grief and loss and evidence-based interventions advocated by the ELNEC.

  1. Lowey, S. E. (2015). Nursing care at the end of life. Open Library. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/nursingcare/


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