
This is the second edition of the Nursing Management & Professional Concepts nursing OER textbook that was developed specifically for prelicensure nursing students preparing to graduate and take the NCLEX-RN to obtain their nursing license. Content is based on the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Management & Professional Concepts course (543-114), the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan,[1] and the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act.[2] Here is a summary of updates made to the second edition.

This book introduces concepts related to nursing leadership and management, prioritization strategies, delegation and supervision, legal implications of nursing practice, ethical nursing practice, collaboration within the interprofessional team, health care economics, quality and evidence-based practice, advocacy, preparation for the RN role, and the avoidance of burnout with self-care. Several free, online, interactive learning activities are included in each chapter, including NCLEX Next Generation-style case studies that encourage students to develop clinical judgment while applying content to client-care situations. Additionally, the Appendix includes a “suite of patients” with suggested prompts for classroom discussion to assist students in applying concepts from the book to real client-care situations.

The following video provides a quick overview of how to navigate the online version.

This e-book is free with CC BY 4.0 licensing and can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF or in other formats for offline use. This book is part of the Open RN© Nursing OER textbook series, originally funded by a $2.5 million Open Textbook Pilot grant from the Department of Education with sustainability funded by WisTech Open. This book was written by subject matter experts and is based on reliable scholarly research and evidence. It has been carefully peer reviewed to ensure its accuracy and quality. The content was developed without relying on large language models or AI tools, ensuring that the information is grounded in expert analysis and trusted sources. Read about other OER textbooks available on the Open RN and the WisTech Open websites.

  1. NCSBN. (n.d.). Test plans. https://www.nclex.com/test-plans.page
  2. Wisconsin State Legislature. (2024). Chapter 6: Standards of practice for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. Board of Nursing. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/441


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Nursing Management and Professional Concepts 2e Copyright © 2024 by WisTech Open is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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