4.8 Learning Activities
(Answers to the exercises are located in the Answer Key at the back of the book).
Case Study #1
Autumn, age 32, has a history of Diabetes Mellitus Type II and has been admitted to the hospital with a left lower leg wound that developed cellulitis. She has been receiving antibiotic therapy in the hospital for the past two days through a right upper arm PICC line and is now ready for discharge. When at home, she will continue to receive cefazolin 500 mg IV every 8 hours for the next 14 days.
1. What will you provide for patient education for Autumn regarding her PICC line?
2. What are the maintenance care priorities for care of the PICC line?
3. Are there any specific concerns related to Autumn’s need for a PICC line that should be monitored or addressed?
4. What is the purpose of the PICC line?
5. How often should a PICC line be assessed?
6. How does the dressing get changed for a PICC line?
7. What makes a PICC line different from a peripheral IV and from an implanted port?