Basic Conversions Practice

Basic Conversions Flashcards

Basic Conversions Knowledge Check

Basic Conversions Extended Practice 1

1. 60 lb = ______ kg
2. 20 mL = ______ tsp
3. 5 oz = ______ mL
4. 2.4 L = ______ mL
5. 7 oz = ______ mL
6. A client had the following:
8 oz. milk6 oz. orange juice4 oz. water with medication
Total mL = ______
7. Calculate the following individual items and give the total number of mL:
10 oz. coffee8 oz. water6 oz. broth
Total mL = _____
8. 36 mg = ______ g
9. 67.5 mL = ______ t
10. 2 T = ______ mL
Answer key is located in the Appendix

Basic Conversions Extended Practice 2

1. 4 oz = ______ mL
2. 110 lb = ______ kg
3. 55 cm = ______ in
4. Calculate the client’s fluid intake for breakfast in milliliters. (Assume that the glass holds 6 oz and the cup holds 8 oz.)
The client had the following for breakfast at 8 AM:
glass of apple juice½ cup of coffee½ pint of milk
Total = _______ mL
5. 7 oz = ______ mL
6. 45 mL = _____ tbs

7. 178.2 lb = ______ kg


Answer key is located in the Appendix


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