H5P activities list

This book includes 72 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
23Ch.5 - Important Considerations when Wearing GlovesAccordion
24Ch.5 - Important Considerations when Wearing GownsAccordion
25Ch.5 - Important Considerations when Wearing Eye ProtectionAccordion
26Ch.5 - Important Considerations when Wearing Medical MasksAccordion
27Ch.5 - MasksMultiple Choice
28Nursing Assistant: Personal Care Glossary CardsDialog Cards
29Ch.2 - Infectious AgentAccordion
30Ch.2 - ReservoirAccordion
31Ch.2 - Portal of ExitAccordion
32Ch.2 - Mode of TransmissionAccordion
33Ch.2 - Portal of EntryAccordion
34Ch.2 - Susceptible HostAccordion
35Ch.2 - Susceptible HostAccordion
36Ch.2 - Susceptible HostAccordion
37Ch.4 The 4 MomentsAccordion
38Ch.4 - Hand Washing Interactive VideoInteractive Video
39Nursing Assistant: ADLs QuizQuestion Set
40Nursing Assistant: Order of bathingDrag the Words
41Nursing Assistant: Order of bathingDrag the Words
42Ch.3 - HAIAccordion
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