
Chapter 18

Endometriosis Case Study Answers

  1. Symptoms of endometriosis:
    • Pelvic pain, especially during menstruation (dysmenorrhea).
    • Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
    • Infertility.
    • Heavy or irregular menstrual periods.
    • Fatigue and bowel or urinary symptoms during menstruation.
  2. Diagnostic tools:
    • Pelvic ultrasound to detect ovarian endometriomas.
    • MRI for detailed imaging.
    • Laparoscopy, the gold standard, allows direct visualization and biopsy of endometrial lesions.
  3. Treatment options:
    • Medical: NSAIDs for pain, hormonal therapies such as oral contraceptives, progestins, or GnRH agonists to reduce lesion growth.
    • Surgical: Laparoscopic excision or ablation of endometrial implants; hysterectomy in severe cases.
  4. Nurse’s role in supporting goals:
    • Develop a pain management plan involving medications and non-pharmacological approaches (e.g., heating pads, relaxation techniques).
    • Refer Samantha to a fertility specialist if conception is a priority.
    • Provide emotional support and counseling.
  5. Patient education:
    • Encourage regular physical activity to reduce pain.
    • Promote a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods.
    • Advise stress management techniques like yoga or meditation.
    • Inform about the potential impact of endometriosis on fertility and available options.
  6. Resources:
    • Refer to organizations like the Endometriosis Association or Endometriosis Foundation of America.
    • Suggest online forums or local support groups for individuals with endometriosis.
    • Provide contact information for reproductive endocrinologists or pain management specialists.

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