16.1 Introduction to Other Childhood Disorders
Learning Objectives
- Identify appropriate nursing and medical care for common childhood illnesses
- Determine teaching concepts related to the ill child
This chapter will focus on a wide range of disorders across different body systems that affect pediatric clients. Selected disorders from the following body systems will be covered: gastrointestinal, integumentary, neurological, cardiovascular, eyes, ears, and musculoskeletal. Note that “Childhood Respiratory Disorders” are discussed in the previous chapter.
Caring for the ill child presents unique challenges when compared to adults. Nursing care is necessary to help manage these conditions, all while balancing clinical skill and empathy, as well as patience. Conditions covered will range from common illnesses like otitis media, to more life-threatening conditions such as congenital heart defects. However, we will not only cover these conditions, but also examine the anatomy and physiology of these body systems and common assessment findings, as well as pediatric lifespan considerations.
This chapter will examine these disorders while using the nursing process and the clinical judgment measurement model. Highlights of each disorder include pathophysiology, key assessment findings, diagnostic approaches, and evidence-based interventions tailored to the pediatric population.
Overall, goals when providing nursing care are to not only to alleviate symptoms, but also to promote recovery and optimal functioning of all body systems, as well as enable families to actively participate in the care of their child.